Sunday, 19 May 2013

A year.

A year to some people is not very long, to others it seems like a lifetime, A year is three hundred and sixty five days. 52 weeks!
To me, This past year has brought a lot of changes all of them for the better.
My husband got a new job that required us to pick up and move 50 miles from our friends and family, In this past year I had also decided I had, had enough of being the 'fat one' and I needed to take control of my diet once and for all. I didn't like how I looked, I wasn't happy and it needed to change.
The first photo was taken May 2012 when we was on holiday in Cornwall. This photo was 3 months postpartum, I hated how I looked, I got tired easy and I just was not happy with how I looked in clothes. Shopping for clothes always filled me with dread.
It was still another 3 months before I knuckled down and got serious however I did try to loose weight on my own but with not very much avail. I joined weight watchers September the 5th. I know this date as Mia started full time school the day before.

While cleaning out my clothes the other day I found the dress I wore on holiday. I had only worn it once, That night on holiday. I felt so self conscious, My arms looked massive, my legs looked like they belonged hung up in a takeaway shop and my stomach...I could feel it wobble with every step I took. When we got back the dress got stuffed to the back of my wardrobe, packed in a case when we moved only to be shoved back into the bottom of my wardrobe with thoughts of I will never feel or look good enough to wear it0
I figured at, at least 64lbs down from when I was last in it I would look a bit better, I'd try it on and snap a comparison picture.I stopped and looked in the mirror and I felt like a different person in this dress. I actually look like I have a figure! and my legs, my legs look like legs and not kebab spits!! 
I like how it looks that much I am thinking about wearing it when me and hubby go out to celebrate our anniversary on Wednesday.

This folks, This is what is attainable in just 365 short days. Never say never.  

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