Friday, 10 May 2013

Poorly Children

If ever there was something that can throw you off course it is poorly children.

Everyone knows poorly children are pretty demanding and it's not always possible to stick to what you have planned.
As its my eldest who is the poorly patient my mile walk to and from school has gone down the pan for today taking a huge chunk out of my movement. I need to try and make up the lost activity points somewhere, so depending on how tired I feel (I've been awake since 4am!) when the children have gone to bed tonight I may bring out one of my workout games/DVDs and blast that for half an hour.

Food wise today there is nothing special planned. I had apple and pear chopped covered with yoghurt for breakfast (1pp)
I am going to have a quorn cottage pie for my lunch (5pp) as well as a 22g pack of space raiders (3pp), For tea were having 2 slices of brown bread with the crust cut off (2pp) 150g of baked beans, 15g of lightest Philly (0pp) mushrooms (0pp) 100g of asda cheesy bean bites (7pp)

That still leaves me with 11pp to play with so I can have a hot chocolate made with 11g of WW mint hot chocolate and 180mls of warm steamed milk (3pp) and a WW in meeting mint and dark chocolate bar (2pp) for supper again or I can have a small snack between lunch and tea.

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